1 | eth_getBlockByHash | 按哈希返回有关区块的信息 (Returns information about a block by hash) | |
2 | eth_getBlockByNumber | 按编号返回有关区块的信息 (Returns information about a block by number) | |
3 | eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash | 从给定哈希匹配的区块中返回块中的交易数 (Returns the number of transactions in a block from a block matching the given block hash) | |
4 | eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber | 从给定区块编号匹配的区块中返回块的交易数 (Returns the number of transactions in a block matching the given block number) | |
5 | eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash | 从给定哈希匹配的区块中返回块中的叔块数 (Returns the number of uncles in a block from a block matching the given block hash) | |
6 | eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber | 从给定区块编号匹配的块中返回块中的叔块数(Returns the number of uncles in a block from a block matching the given block number) | |
7 | eth_protocolVersion | 返回当前以太坊协议的版本 (Returns the current Ethereum protocol version) | |
8 | eth_chainId | 返回当前网络的链 ID (Returns the chain ID of the current network) | |
9 | eth_syncing | 返回一个对象,其中包含同步状态信息 (Returns an object with data about the sync status or false) | |
10 | eth_coinbase | 返回客户端 coinbase 地址 (Returns the client coinbase address) | |
11 | eth_accounts | 返回客户端拥有的地址列表 (Returns a list of addresses owned by client) | |
12 | eth_blockNumber | 返回最新块的编号 (Returns the number of most recent block.) | |
13 | eth_call | 立即执行新的消息调用,无需在区块链上创建交易 (Executes a new message call immediately without creating a transaction on the block chain) | |
14 | eth_estimateGas | 生成并返回允许交易完成所需gas的估计值 (Generates and returns an estimate of how much gas is necessary to allow the transaction to complete.) | |
15 | eth_gasPrice | 返回以 wei 为单位的每个 gas 的当前价格 (Returns the current price per gas in wei) | |
16 | eth_feeHistory | 返回费用历史 (Returns fee history) | |
17 | eth_newFilter | 根据过滤器选项,创建一个过滤器对象,并在状态更改时通知(日志) Creates a filter object, based on filter options, to notify when the state changes (logs) | |
18 | eth_newBlockFilter | 在节点中创建一个过滤器,以便在新块到达时通知 (Creates a filter in the node, to notify when a new block arrives) | |
19 | eth_newPendingTransactionFilter | 在节点中创建一个过滤器,在新的待处理交易到达时通知 (Creates a filter in the node, to notify when new pending transactions arrive) | |
20 | eth_uninstallFilter | 卸载给定id的过滤器 (Uninstalls a filter with given id) | |
21 | eth_getFilterChanges | 过滤器的轮询方法,它返回自上次轮询以来发生的日志数组 (Polling method for a filter, which returns an array of logs which occurred since last poll) | |
22 | eth_getFilterLogs | 返回具有给定 id 所有与过滤器匹配的日志的数组。可以使用 eth_getLogs 计算相同的结果 (Returns an array of all logs matching filter with given id. Can compute the same results with an eth_getLogs call ) | |
23 | eth_getLogs | 每当交易被"挖出"时,我们可以通过向 eth_getLogs 发出请求来查看该交易的事件日志,然后根据这些结果采取行动 (Anytime a transaction is mined, we can see event logs for that transaction by making a request to eth_getLogs and then take actions based off those results) | |
24 | eth_mining | 返回客户端是否正在积极挖掘新块 (Returns whether the client is actively mining new blocks) | |
25 | eth_hashrate | 返回节点每秒正在挖掘的哈希数量 (Returns the number of hashes per second that the node is mining with) | |
26 | eth_getWork | 返回当前区块的哈希值、种子哈希值和要满足的边界条件("目标") Returns the hash of the current block, the seedHash, and the boundary condition to be met ("target") | |
27 | eth_submitWork | 用来提交POW解决方案 (Used for submitting a proof-of-work solution) | |
28 | eth_submitHashrate | 用来提交挖矿的哈希率 (Used for submitting mining hashrate) | |
29 | eth_sign | 在提供的数据下返回一个EIP-191签名 (Returns an EIP-191 signature over the provided data.) | |
30 | eth_signTransaction | 签名并提交一笔交易 (Signs and submits a transaction) | |
31 | eth_getBalance | 返回一个地址某个账户的余额 (Returns the balance of the account of given address) | |
32 | eth_getStorageAt | 返回一个地址“存储”仓位的代币价值 (Returns the value from a storage position at a given address) | |
33 | eth_getTransactionCount | 返回一个地址发出的交易数量 (Returns the number of transactions sent from an address) | |
34 | eth_getCode | 返回给定地址的代码 (Returns code at a given address) | |
35 | eth_sendTransaction | 签名并提交一笔交易 (Signs and submits a transaction) | |
36 | eth_sendRawTransaction | 提交原始交易 (Submits a raw transaction) | |
37 | eth_getTransactionByHash | 按交易哈希返回交易信息 Returns the information about a transaction requested by transaction hash | |
38 | eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex | 按区块哈希和交易索引位置返回有关交易信息 (Returns information about a transaction by block hash and transaction index position) | |
39 | eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex | 按区块号和交易索引位置返回有关交易信息 (Returns information about a transaction by block number and transaction index position) | |
40 | eth_getTransactionReceipt | 通过交易哈希返回交易的回执 (Returns the receipt of a transaction by transaction hash) | |